金丽女士的油画及艺术作品欣赏 - 油画赏析 - 华夏人物文化网
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华夏人物文化网 华夏人物文化网 书画频道 油画赏析


2013-12-27 14:09 查看: 4970

姓名:         丽金(Gurjinder

国籍:         印度(新德里)

学习经历: 2007 中央美术学院 访问学者

 2006  新德里美术学院(绘画)硕士学位

 2004年     新德里美术学院(雕塑)硕士学位

2001  新德里美术学院(雕塑)学士学位

奖励:       2011年 中国哈尔滨牡丹江镜泊湖雕塑比赛三等奖


2006 年——2008年中国政府奖学金

2004 印度 新德里美术学院B.C.Sanyal奖学金

2002年文化部(Sahity Kala Parished)印度 青年雕塑最杰出奖

                     2004 印度新德里美术学院一等奖

2001 印度新德里美术学院二等奖




Work Statement

             My art works are always very simple compositions of my memories,dreams and desires. My childhood was filled with countless memorable moments that I would love to relive. Many who have happy childhood memories, would also,I am sure,feel the same. Childhood is a period which is associated with fun and play. Those days of sand, mud, water, toys, birds- animals, picnics, friends, brother-sister, parents, relatives and festivals are still alive in my memories. By the development of cities, living situations are changed, families are changed, relations are changed. Day by day society is changing and day by day I am missing more and more, those beautiful passed days and its wonderful unforgettable moments. All that unconsciously appear in my works.



